Monthly Archives: July 2023

“HIV is the Virus, Stigma is the Disease”

When Randy Davis was hospitalized in 2012 with double lung pneumonia, he was so ill he had to be intubated for a week. He recovered, but when he started experiencing similar symptoms — which can include fever, chills, muscle aches, … Continue reading

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Canadian Armed Forces Veterans Battling PTSD

Imagine yourself a stranger in a strange land. Everything is foreign to you: the weather, the landscape, the food, the language, the customs, the culture, the people. It might sound like an exciting adventure holiday. But now imagine many of … Continue reading

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PTSD can descend like fog on a clear day

With lives that revolve around routines and schedules, most of us wake up in the morning with a pretty good sense of how our day will unfold. What we can’t possibly imagine, or prepare for, is that our day will … Continue reading

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