Enabling the Disabled

Enabling the Disabled

How assistive technology can help a billion people smooth the way

By Robin Roberts

More than a billion people around the world live with a disability, and more than half of those are unemployed. Life can be challenging and downright frustrating. Thankfully, the tech world has been working on easing the strain for those with vision, audio, speech and mobility issues. Here are some of the more intriguing.

For Vision

Apple’s VoiceOver, which comes pre–loaded on all iOS and OS X devices, converts text to speech in 30 languages, guiding you through menu options, describing what’s under your finger on the trackpad, how to access commands, navigate the web or scan a document via the rotor. It even tells you how to activate a button using the keyboard or trackpad. VoiceOver also supports plug–and–play for Braille displays.

Be My Eyes is a free iOS app (Android edition is in the works) that connects the visually impaired with sighted volunteers, via video chat, who lend their eyes to see or read wherever the non–sighted person has pointed his or her camera.

Google Talkback, preinstalled on Android devices, allows you to hear a description of everything you touch on the screen by running your finger over any option.

For Audio

Mac’s Made for iPhone hearing aid pairs with your iOS device for amplified audio and other features, such as an audiologist’s presets and Live Listen for clearer conversations in loud environments.

HearYouNow is for the hard of hearing who don’t yet need hearing aids. The app customizes sound depending on the situation – restaurants or parties, watching TV or listening to the radio – by optimizing foreground or background sounds.

For Speech

Proloquo2Go, for those with autism, Down syndrome or other speech challenges, uses symbols and icons to communicate needs, wants and action.

AutisMate is an iPad app that lets you customize content to your own skills and knowledge, with options to expand as you progress through learning stages.

For Mobility

Click2Speak, developed by Gal Sont, who has ALS, allows others with mobility challenges to communicate using an onscreen keyboard. The PC–accessible software uses the Android SwiftKey prediction feature for better speed and accuracy. You can use the eye–tracking camera, head movement tracker, touch screen, regular or specialized mouse to issue commands.

Keeble for iOS replaces a standard on–screen keyboard in any app with a more user–friendly, customizable keyboard for those with motor challenges.

Apple’s AssistiveTouch, built in on iOS and Android devices, features a white circle on your screen that, when you tap it, a palette appears with options for motions and gestures with the use of a single finger, or a stylus between your teeth.  You can rotate or lock screen, adjust volume, mute, even shake to undo typing. You can even customize your own gestures.