Motivation Methods

Get Going

How to become – and stay – motivated

By Robin Roberts

“Dreams get you started, discipline keeps you going,” said author and motivational speaker Jim Rohn.

Successful entrepreneurs get it and live it, but even the most dedicated can succumb to distraction. Burnout, boredom, fatigue – even a beautiful sunny day – can derail discipline and focus. Glenn Nishimura, principal at Toronto–based Nishimura Consulting, offers the following tips for getting your caboose back on track.

If you’re bored

Entrepreneurs are stimulated every minute of the day because they’re in pursuit of their dream, says Nishimura. “But if you’re bored, you could be disconnected from your purpose.” To remind yourself what that purpose is, he suggests that you, ironically, disconnect so that you can reconnect. “Spend time away, either outdoors, or with your family or dog. You don’t need to attend a Tony Robbins lecture. Sometimes the answers lie within us; we tend to overcomplicate things, to look externally for answers [when we just need to] get out of our own way.”

If you’re tired

Nishimura says, in a business environment where failure is acceptable and being busy is the price of admission, exhaustion will catch up with you. “Being tired is detrimental to your health, your business and overall productivity.” His advice is the same as if you’re bored: spend time away from your business, ideally in a different environment. A change is as good as a break. Oh, and nothing beats a good, restorative night’s sleep.

If you’re burned out

“Burnout is the absolute extreme,” says Nishimura. “If you’re burned out physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually, that is not sustainable, and it’s likely a pattern.”

He says entrepreneurs, in particular, are at full throttle every minute of every day. “If they get to the point of physical or emotional exhaustion, they’ll get sick, and drastic measures may be in order. You can’t just take a day or long weekend off. You might have to take a month off, or hire an assistant; learn to trust and delegate.”

If you’re distracted

Distraction is a normal part of any business day, says Nishimura. “You want to be available at all times. But you need to find a balance, otherwise you’ll never get anything done.” He suggests setting limits on your availability, blocking time off in which you are not to be disturbed. Don’t just turn your phone off, leave it in another room. Switch off your email alerts. Also, stay organized and prioritized, otherwise you’ll have a million random issues tugging at your time.

As for that sunny day? Heed the call, says Nishimura. “Give yourself permission to go out for a walk, reconnect with nature, do some mindful meditation. It’s much more stressful trying to resist that temptation than indulging it.”

Recognize that motivation ebbs and flows. On ebb days, give yourself a break. On flow days, ride that wave to maximize your output and it will all balance out in the end.