Pink Eye — Walmart Live Better!



Not Pretty in Pink

Pink eye is another common contagion waiting to make your kids miserable. Medically known as conjunctivitis, pink eye is an inflammation on the inside of the eyelid and on the whites of the eyes, which, when inflamed, turns pink or red. The condition can be caused by a virus, bacteria, allergens like pet dander or dust mites, or irritants like smog or chlorine. The eye will become itchy, gritty, crusty, and sometimes feel like it’s burning.

It’s easy enough to treat, and, in fact, it often goes away on its own. If it doesn’t and is more severe than bothersome (causing pain and blurred vision), your paediatrician can prescribe treatment, such as an antibiotic. If the conjunctivitis is viral- or bacteria-related, it will be quite contagious, even to the point of epidemic. Ensure your kids are dedicated hand washers using lots of soap and warm water. Discourage them from touching or rubbing their eyes, to keep the eyes clean if there’s discharge, to not share sheets, towels, blankets, eyeglasses or makeup, and avoid swimming pools. In fact, it’s a good idea to toss any makeup, disposable contact lenses and solutions they used when they were infected.